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Wednesday, December 02, 2020

MCQ(Science II) for Std. Xth MH. Boards

MCQ (Science II)

Std. Xth (MH.Board)


1) Each  cell contains ------------% water by weight.

    (A) 90            (B) 55            (C)  70            (D) 65

2) In ----------- nucleolus appears in each daughter nucleus.

(A) Metaphase        (B) Telophase        (C) Prophase        (D) Anaphase

3) Glycolysis is also known as -----------------

(A) Kreb's Cycle        (B) ETS Cycle        (C) TCA Cycle        (D) EMP Pathway

4) ---------- is the most abundant protein found in nature.

(A) Melanin        (B) RUBISCO        (C) Trypsin        (D) Ossein

5) Carbohydrates,fats and lipids are harvested by the ---------- present in each cell.

(A) nucleus        (B) cytoplasm        (C) plasma membrane        (D) mitochondria

6) Which one of the following is a flexible protein found in muscles.

(A) Melanin        (B) Keratin        (C) Myocin        (D) Trypsin

7)Amino acids are obtained after the digestion of --------------

(A) carbohydrates        (B) protein        (C) lipids        (D) nucleic acid

8) Which of the following is NOT a part of mitosis?

(A) Anaphase        (B) Diplotene        (C) Prophase        (D) Cytokinesis

9) Which of the following is NOT a step of anerobic respiration?

(A) Glycolysis        (B) Fermentation        (C) TCA        (D) Both (A) and (C)

10) We get --------- energy from carbohydrates.

(A) 9 kcal/gm        (B) 9 cal/gm        (C) 4 cal/gm        (D) 4 kcal/gm

11) Somatic and stem cells undergo  ---------- type of division.

(A) meiosis            (B) mitosis            (C) budding           (D) cloning

12) The spindle fibres starts appearing from-------- stage of karyokinesis.

(A) prophase        (B) metaphase        (C) anaphase        (D) telophase

13) In which phase do the spindle fibres disappear?

(A) prophase        (B) metaphase        (C) anaphase        (D) telophase

14) Which phase shows a notch in the cytoplasm in between the central region?

(A) prophase        (B) metaphase        (C) anaphase       (D) cytokinesis

15) Which one of the following is a  protein present  in muscles bones?

(A) Myocin        (B) Melanin        (C) Hemoglobin        (D) Ossein

Laxman Singh

Author & Editor

"Winner don't do different things , they do things differently"


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